Before You Attend

Here’s a practical look at what you can expect at FBC.

We hope that this inside look into FBC Birmingham will help
you feel comfortable and at ease as you make your
visit with us.

Are you a first time guest?

As a visitor, you are invited to park in the side parking lot, near the drop-off area, in the “Visitors” parking spaces. Upon entering the Sanctuary, you will be welcomed by our greeters. They will offer you a worship guide and are there to serve you in any way possible. As our guest, we have a small gift for you as well.

You will notice that everyone is dressed comfortably, in anything from suits and sport coats to jeans and sneakers. At FBC Birmingham – it’s what’s on the inside that matters most!

Our worship service is central to our life as a church. Our music is not defined by a particular style but by one driving desire: to worship and glorify Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Whether we are singing together as a congregation or being blessed by the choir or individuals, the intention is the same: to know Christ and to make Him known.  

The message will be presented by Dr. Jim Cooley, our Senior Pastor. Each week, he presents a message that will be Bible-based, spiritually practical, and lead each person to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

We will have a time of worshiping God through our offerings during the service. When the offering plate passes by, we would be honored if you place the visitor’s card in the plate.

Thank you for joining us for worship! Come and be a part of what God is doing at First Baptist Church.

Our Core Values

Purpose To glorify Jesus Christ in who we are and what we do as First Baptist Church of Birmingham.

To honor the Word of God in Biblical preaching, teaching, and living.

To proclaim that all people can be forgiven and transformed through the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Formation
To develop discipled believers to live and grow in the truth and application of God’s Word.

To unite all generations, races, and nationalities, under the Lordship of Christ, through a lifestyle of worship.

To help believers discover their gifts of ministry, and to provide opportunities for the exercise of those gifts.

To model Acts 1:8 in our community, state, nation, and world.

To accomplish Kingdom work through cooperation with other Christians, Bible-believing churches, and Biblically-based organizations.

The First Baptist Church of Birmingham is associated with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Alabama Baptist Convention.